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Suffering is similar to a terrible toothache. While it's present and intense, it becomes an obvious priority: nothing is more important, nothing is more urgent. However, once it is overcome and the period of relief having passed, the suffering ends up being forgotten and with that forgetting, it ceases to matter. The next goal, eradicating Ignorance now appears as a desirable goal, because there is no better motivation than the desire to learn. Learning to know, The Noble Eightfold Path, stops making sense. He is the boat that has taken us to the other shore and is no longer useful. Now is the time to see things as they really are and that is achieved by exploring the new lands. This is the time to take on challenges.

Treatise on Wisdom 4 - The Anāgāmi

Varenr.: W04
€ 1,95Pris
  • Treatise on Wisdom (Book 4)

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