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Two irrefutable truths are the starting point of a journey in which Tomás Morales embarks us through an incontrovertible investigative logic through an extensive and necessary stretch of historical analysis that leads us to discover the roots, characteristics and universal socioeconomic conditions that end up leading to Populism and the methods used for its implantation and perpetuation, regardless of the historical period. Morales has gone further — he always goes further — and is not satisfied with characters that perhaps reach the category of a footnote of a page in some history book, but rather points directly to the famous Jesus of Nazareth demonstrating that he is a commissioned myth whose construction was a carbon copy of the bizarre Buddha mahāyāna and considering him the hero of the "most successful populist plot in history". Deconstructing the Myth of Jesus of Nazareth is the title chosen to pull the thread that will confront "2.35 billion believers" with the truth. Istians, 1,350 million Muslims, 520 million Buddhists, that is, a total of 4,220 million believers, that is, people who believe it” and the institutions that manipulate them. Deconstructing the myth of Jesus of Nazareth is a must read that warns of the risks of faith for those who consider themselves believers and, therefore, unsuspecting collaborators of populist organizations whose legitimacy is based on History defined as "a literary genre of fiction [...] a collection of stories written to order" and that "taking it seriously refers to the childish postures necessary to be indoctrinated and enlisted", and that is a big word. Happy trip.

Deconstructing the Myth of Jesus of Nazareth

  • Lies

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