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THE BEST GIFT ever given to the Māra was given to him by the Buddha's mortal enemy, King Ajatasattu of Maghada, when he organized, after the death of the Master and without his having suspected it, a council to leave to posterity the corrupted teachings of the Buddha. Buddha, guarded and administered by an idle clergy that flourished in the heat of populist rulers who used it in their economic disputes with the Brahmins.

It had never happened that the Sasana of a Buddha outlived him, let alone corrupted. The success of Buddhism and its expansion will suffocate the paccekhabuddhas that might have arisen like a fire blanket.  And without solitary Buddhas there is no Sammasambuddha.

And this is because a Buddha must take refuge exclusively in himself, without any external influence and all external contamination in the form of ideas, concepts, doctrines, visions represent an obstacle that can become insurmountable. The Māra with this movement not only managed to prevent the emergence of Buddhas, but also to remove millions of people from the path, from then on, and managed to make unscrupulous, lazy and idle individuals, parasites who live off the devotion of the people, become the public face of liberation. A release that was impossible.

Only in the most remote place, not only geographically but ideologically, the most refractory to Buddhism, in the most unexpected times could Metteyya arise. And they go, and they make it there, in that place, those same corrupt, an immense monastery.

Nothing like this ever happened. We'll see how it goes...

Treatise on Wisdom 12 - Summoning Sangha

SKU: T12
  • Treatise on Wisdom (Book 12)

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